Saturday, January 3, 2009

Project 365

I did this last year and really enjoyed it.  What is Project 365?  It involves taking a picture every day of the year and using that process to record the year in your or your family's life.  There was a bit of talk about it last year and I thought it would be a great project and really enjoyed doing it.  This year there is even more talk because of a new kit out from Creating Keepsakes and Becky Higgins to help do this project.  Many people I know are starting this year so I thought I would create this blog to document my success in Project 365 for 2009.  I hope it will encourage those who are starting for the first time.  To see how I did it last year, check out the post on my other blog, "Pam's Place.  See links on left.

Some ideas I found helpful last year:
- If you have a chance to take some "generic" or seasonal pictures one day, do so.  They will come in handy on those days in the week you don't get a specific picture.  Give yourself permission to use these photos from "nearby" days. 
- If you miss a few days during the year, don't give up.  You will still have an amazing picture of your life over the course of the year.
- Nothing special happening in your life?  Take a picture of your radio, your coffee pot (both morning necessities for me!), your favourite TV program, your computer... or the always reliable and cute dog or cat.
- Use this project to help you really look around at your day to day life. What does your supermarket look like? Did you notice that in the spring there are bags of earth outside it? In fall, pumpkins? At least mine has those. What seasonal decorations does your town put up? Carry a camera to church and take a picture of the Thanksgiving or Christmas decorations.  Just how messy is your scrapbooking room anyway, and how does that show that you have been busy?

Anyway, here are my photos so far for 2009:
Jan. 1 - My daughter in the nearby park where she and my husband went to take photos.
Jan. 2 - new calendar and boxes of files for receipts
Jan. 3 - that's today! not sure yet!

What are yours?
With 363 to go, 


  1. Great tips Pam! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Pam:

    I'm on board as well. I hope that you visit my blog:

  3. Thanks for posting more ideas about project 365.

  4. Thanks Pam for your inspiration. Did you put the pictures in an album last year if so I would be interested to see your format. Thanks.
